talk about the ride of my life! it was THE best two years.
and now im here. in utah. sitting in front of a computer, not quite sure what to do with my time... so i speak to you today via me blog!
people have said that they enjoyed my letters from the mission. i guess i would hope to deliver the same entertainment through my blog. only time will tell...
the run down of the last week of my life went like this:
sunday 21:
attended church for the last time as a full time missionary. *tear* i had such a strange feeling the entire time... you know... trying to soak everything in, but not being able to get anything because you are trying sooo hard. yeah. something like that.
all of the returning missionaries were to report to the mission home at 2-3pm, but since the mission home so close by (in my area!) that i recieved special permission to stay out later. thats what im talkin about!
with the extra time, elder lay and i went tracting. the problem... NOBODY WAS HOME!!! i was getting kinda nervous because it was about time to get going to the mission home and we hadnt talked to a single person! we decided to try one last door. BINGO! a lady named Tara came to the door. she was home with her daughter. her husband was away. we got a talkin and come to find out, she is looking for a church home and would love to have her family learn more about the gospel! i will tell you this: God is a God of miracles. he definitely knows how to show his love.

after arriving to the mission home, we all sat around and had awkward conversations... dwelling in our minds of what was about to happen, but not admitting it; trying to push it out while we still had time to live the life with a sacred nametag on. while these discussions were destroying us, President Glende was conducting our final interviews, pulling us out one by one. it was a great opportunity to talk. he gave each of the missionaries a priesthood blessing. one that i will be forever grateful for. what a wonderful man!
after arriving to the mission home, we all sat around and had awkward conversations... dwelling in our minds of what was about to happen, but not admitting it; trying to push it out while we still had time to live the life with a sacred nametag on. while these discussions were destroying us, President Glende was conducting our final interviews, pulling us out one by one. it was a great opportunity to talk. he gave each of the missionaries a priesthood blessing. one that i will be forever grateful for. what a wonderful man!
we enjoyed dinner and a little devotional/testimony meeting. then we were exiled to the basement for "bed time."
bed time yes. sleep time... not quite.
Mon 22:
in the morning, we watched Emma: My Story. it is an amazing movie that i would highly recommend to anyone that wants a spiritual fill. while the movie was playing, missionaries were being pulled out and taken to the airport... i dreaded the time when
my little group was taken. but alas, all good things must come to an end (in this mortal life). elder anderson, sister gonzales and myself all went to our gate to await final destruction. it was fun to talk to people and to get some final pictures and video footage of the experience.
in the morning, we watched Emma: My Story. it is an amazing movie that i would highly recommend to anyone that wants a spiritual fill. while the movie was playing, missionaries were being pulled out and taken to the airport... i dreaded the time when
flew into texas. walked to elder andersons gate. watched him walk onto the plane. then there was two. sister gonzales and me. we had to wait at the airport for quite a while, but were able to find a HUGE group of green missionaries headed out to paraguay. we went "street contacting" with them to teach them a few things and then it was time. my flight was ready. i left.
then there was one.
the rest of the evening was visiting with the family. good times!
Tues 23:
it was pretty much a blur. more visiting with family and some friends. a little bit of shopping.
Wed 24:
went snowmobiling! we had a fun time up at and around the cabin. nobody will believe me, but it was nice to get on a sled again. another awkward experience, but good.
that evening we had our annual moosman family christmas eve party at the grandparents. sooo many little people running around! it was good to see everyone! y'all look great!
Thurs 25:
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
we slept in (as much as you can sleep in on christmas, anyway...), open gifts and then went to the hamiltons to see their house. came home for lunch, family time and gift exchange, and dinner. then i went to see some friends and have a little christmas with them.
Fri 26:
ummm... a blur again. i think i cleaned up some things and then went shopping with andrea.
Sat 27:
its lookin kinda blurry. i remember delivering christmas gifts (yeah... a little late on that one!), going to see the ambler home, and playing rock band with them(and yes: i did get a blister from playing the drums a little too hard). came home, cleaned and finished up the details on my talk!
Sun 28:
michelle and i reported in sacrament meeting. thanks for coming (for those who came!). you are appreciated.
mingled the rest of the day, and played games!
Mon 29:
so i set this blog thing up, and a facebook account. and thats about it!
i hope i didnt bore you. i promise you that probably no other entry will be this long. ever. but i just wanted to document the transition from full time missionary-ing to being a normal human.
thank you!
I'm excited you joined our blogging community! So glad you are home! Love ya! -tiff