this crossed my mind today:
with people like Bono, Brad Pitt, and Cameron Diaz fighting aids, its no wonder that it is such a well known epidemic! Bono spoke at the white house concerning aids. he is revered by many for his passion to find a cure.
Millions of dollars are donated in behalf of this horrible disease every year, and kills almost 2 million people worldwide every year. its no wonder it has everyone along side the super stars fighting for a cure.
if you dont mind, let me take you to a far greater epidemic. one that has few to no super stars on the frontlines for a cure. while this epidemic took roughly 5 million lives last year, our legislature is trying to cut funds and sweep the problem under the rug.
its something that every individual has been exposed to. its something that every tax-payer will lose money to. its a thing called tobacco.
Tobacco kills over 50 people an hour (fyi: thats 20 times more people than murder. and 3 million more people than aids). its the only product that, when used AS INTENDED, kills you.
right now, the funds provided to take down this epidemic are being threatened. so we can all close our eyes and play the "ignorance is bliss" card while this widespread epidemic increases - taking more lives of our loved ones... or we can make our voice heard! you make the decision. are you going to be passionate or indifferent?
please sign the petition! evention-and-control-program.
OTHER RESOURCES to learn more! - more information on Tobacco Prevention funds being cut - utahs youth anti-tobacco movement - national anti-tobacco movement - national anti-tobacco program - utah government tobacco prevention website (the same program whose funds are being threatened) - NEED HELP QUITTING? check this webiste out!
thank you sooo much to everyone who is trying to make a difference in this crucial time! keep up the great work!
Conceptual thought can be perceived as a miracle. Have you ever made the attempt to encapsulate a miracle? This is my attempt...
30 January 2009
one more thing
we have a petition now, and im counting on you to sign it to help us reach our goal!!! evention-and-control-program
...please? evention-and-control-program
29 January 2009
check this out too!
we NEED your support!
(also, heather hamilton made it known unto me that she couldnt comment on my blog without signing in first. if others are attempting to comment. sign in! your welcome here)
we NEED your support!
(also, heather hamilton made it known unto me that she couldnt comment on my blog without signing in first. if others are attempting to comment. sign in! your welcome here)
CALLING ALL ACTIVISTS (and everyone else for that matter)
hey everyone,
this is peter speaking!
so we have something pretty important on our hands. you see, this whole tobacco problem in utah, and there are many strides to fix it.
the problem: big tobacco is trying to prevent it, AND our government isnt always the most supportive of the whole movement.
so, we need to make our voices heard and let them know our concern.
PLEASE send a letter to your senators in request for this bill to be moved to the right committee so that it can receive the right attention. also, not on this email, but equally important, is concerning funding for the health departments and the tobacco prevention programs. PLEASE do a some research and get involved! im still learning, and dont have all the answers, so we can do this together!!!
also, we are trying to organize a little lobbying group together to let those on capital hill how much we care! if you are interested in making a difference, please PLEASE let me know. i dont have much information (date and time) yet, but it will be coming soon.
and lets not forget: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
below is a letter from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids for you to read:
Dear Peter,
The Utah State Senate Rules committee will determine today where they will send our Tobacco Tax bill and we need your help to get the bill into the Health and Human Services Committee.
Click here
to help send the tobacco tax increase bill to the Health and Human Services Committee.Within the next 24 hours the Tobacco Tax Increase bill (Senate Bill 114) will be assigned to a committee who will determine if it should be voted on by the entire Utah Senate. We need this bill to go to a committee that will give it the full consideration it deserves and that will only happen in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
Please send the Senate Rules Committee an email now to encourage them to send the bill to the Health and Human Services Committee. We need you to act quickly or we might not ever see this bill get a vote on the floor of the Senate.
Brian Hutchinson
Director, Grassroots Operations
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Beverly MayDirector,
Western Region and Ohio
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Click here to contribute
• 202.296.54691400 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1200 •
Washington, D.C. 20005
this is peter speaking!
so we have something pretty important on our hands. you see, this whole tobacco problem in utah, and there are many strides to fix it.
the problem: big tobacco is trying to prevent it, AND our government isnt always the most supportive of the whole movement.
so, we need to make our voices heard and let them know our concern.
PLEASE send a letter to your senators in request for this bill to be moved to the right committee so that it can receive the right attention. also, not on this email, but equally important, is concerning funding for the health departments and the tobacco prevention programs. PLEASE do a some research and get involved! im still learning, and dont have all the answers, so we can do this together!!!
also, we are trying to organize a little lobbying group together to let those on capital hill how much we care! if you are interested in making a difference, please PLEASE let me know. i dont have much information (date and time) yet, but it will be coming soon.
and lets not forget: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
below is a letter from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids for you to read:
Dear Peter,
The Utah State Senate Rules committee will determine today where they will send our Tobacco Tax bill and we need your help to get the bill into the Health and Human Services Committee.
Click here
to help send the tobacco tax increase bill to the Health and Human Services Committee.Within the next 24 hours the Tobacco Tax Increase bill (Senate Bill 114) will be assigned to a committee who will determine if it should be voted on by the entire Utah Senate. We need this bill to go to a committee that will give it the full consideration it deserves and that will only happen in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
Please send the Senate Rules Committee an email now to encourage them to send the bill to the Health and Human Services Committee. We need you to act quickly or we might not ever see this bill get a vote on the floor of the Senate.
Brian Hutchinson
Director, Grassroots Operations
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Beverly MayDirector,
Western Region and Ohio
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Click here to contribute
• 202.296.54691400 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1200 •
Washington, D.C. 20005
26 January 2009
you cant be pro life and not believe in zombies... i guess...
its me again.
so i have been cleaning my room and came across a little story i wrote while being bored out of my mind at the d.i.
someone had donated the coolest typewriter on the planet and i decided to put it to use. this is what i came up with:
hello. my name is peter. if you are reading this, it means that i am dead. the day is october 11th.
i was sitting peacefully at the receipt table, watching the glorious sun retreat to the depths of the great salt lake, when suddenly i was seized upon by a masked man and a gun! my first thought was that i was never going to see my magnificent work place ever again, but luckily, i was able to use my newly learned karate skills, and break his head clean off his torso. "hai ya!" i screamed as my foot shattered his lonesome cranium.
thinking i was safe, i calmly returned to the sorbet sky. it was not more than seventy three seconds later when a second masked man appeared, dropping swiftly from the sky. i quickly fought the mad man off wiith my mean roundhouse kicks and rapid fists.
once he ran away, i quickly resigned to the inner quarters of the store to request help. when i entered the building, the feeling quickly became dark and melancholic. no sooner had this evil feeling come over me, when i noticed that my search for help had been in vain, for everyone had become zombies! luckily for me, the zombies didnt want to turn me into one of them, but rather, they wanted to express their feelings of what life was like to be a decomposing clump of flesh and organs. i have to give them a little credit, for being a soul-less waste of space would be really hard.
as my compassion for the beasts grew, the closer we became. hours later, as i was finishing the last therapy session for a zombie named george (george as in "hore" "hey") the poor zombies all came in for a great big group hug. as i was saying my goodbyes, this semi-attractive zombie without any lips came up to me and grumbled an unfamiliar "i love you," and with that, she sunk her rotten k-9's into my sorry flesh and i faded to black.
the end.
so... i am not a fan of sci-fi, nor zombies... i dont think i have ever watched a zombie movie or read a zombie book... but something possessed me that night to write this zombie story. i hope it wasnt too graphic for the younger readers, but if it was, please talk to my attorney.
its me again.
so i have been cleaning my room and came across a little story i wrote while being bored out of my mind at the d.i.
someone had donated the coolest typewriter on the planet and i decided to put it to use. this is what i came up with:
hello. my name is peter. if you are reading this, it means that i am dead. the day is october 11th.
i was sitting peacefully at the receipt table, watching the glorious sun retreat to the depths of the great salt lake, when suddenly i was seized upon by a masked man and a gun! my first thought was that i was never going to see my magnificent work place ever again, but luckily, i was able to use my newly learned karate skills, and break his head clean off his torso. "hai ya!" i screamed as my foot shattered his lonesome cranium.
thinking i was safe, i calmly returned to the sorbet sky. it was not more than seventy three seconds later when a second masked man appeared, dropping swiftly from the sky. i quickly fought the mad man off wiith my mean roundhouse kicks and rapid fists.
once he ran away, i quickly resigned to the inner quarters of the store to request help. when i entered the building, the feeling quickly became dark and melancholic. no sooner had this evil feeling come over me, when i noticed that my search for help had been in vain, for everyone had become zombies! luckily for me, the zombies didnt want to turn me into one of them, but rather, they wanted to express their feelings of what life was like to be a decomposing clump of flesh and organs. i have to give them a little credit, for being a soul-less waste of space would be really hard.
as my compassion for the beasts grew, the closer we became. hours later, as i was finishing the last therapy session for a zombie named george (george as in "hore" "hey") the poor zombies all came in for a great big group hug. as i was saying my goodbyes, this semi-attractive zombie without any lips came up to me and grumbled an unfamiliar "i love you," and with that, she sunk her rotten k-9's into my sorry flesh and i faded to black.
the end.
so... i am not a fan of sci-fi, nor zombies... i dont think i have ever watched a zombie movie or read a zombie book... but something possessed me that night to write this zombie story. i hope it wasnt too graphic for the younger readers, but if it was, please talk to my attorney.
25 January 2009
the thing is... is that its not that common

oh no! its another blog post! lets escape from here to...

the U.K.!!! while we are there, we can look at God's creativity in...

the trees! go hanging puff balls of joy! all this viewing-of-creative-nature is making me feel...

intellectual! hey, you can call me the Count. from Great Britain. hmmm... yes... very intellectual.
24 January 2009
common sense, really!
well hello everyone!
so not much has been going on in my less-than-exciting life, but i will try to fill you in on the goods. word.
so i got home on monday, yes.
wednesday, mark came home! it was good to see him this week and talk about the good ol days!
friday, i got to walk to the library with my dear ol friend andrea passey! on the way we stopped by my dear ol grandma's house (g-ma summers)! yipee! it was a great walk and it was much fulfilling. later on that night, i was able to go to the millards residence to be graced with the returned missionary's presence. go mark! it was fun, and i got to see some familiar faces that i havent seen in many many moons.
and this morning, i assisted in preparing for lunch for hundreds of emotionally weakened relief society sisters at the new stake center (looks like the stake center in lexington ky and it made me miss home a little bit... please pause while i wallow in self pity a little bit. ok thanks!)
after arriving home and eating my own lunch, i sat down for a nice short season to read a book, which didnt last long, because i was struck with some inspiration that i desired to share with all who wanted to hear it! so now im here!
so im reading this book. its called "common sense" by thomas paine. great man i tell you.
anywho, i only got to page two, when something great stood out. here it is:
"society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. the one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. the first a patron, the last a punisher.
"society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil, in its worst state an intolerable one..." (common sense, pg. 4)
looking at this raised some insight to me.
the gospel: a tool for creating a "celestial" society, uniting everyone in joy, satisfaction, and one eternal purpose. the ultimate utopian society. when we think of what heaven will be like, we can imagine a world where everyone is full of charity, unity, and equality, subjecting themselves to almost a communist lifestyle (in the church, we call it the law of consecration: working together to provide for each other, making everyone equal.)
so when we willingly submit ourselves to these prinicples, in order to provide this utopia, the outcome is positive, just like paine described: "society in every state is a blessing."
on the contrary, when we are forced to submit to principles by the state, or government, it becomes a necessary evil. it restrains our vices, yes, but becomes the force in which binds us down from personal agency. when we look at communist governments, we see fear, inequality, darkness, and all things to despise. but when you look at the church, in which we are in the infant steps of creating this perfect society, a "celestial kingdom," you see nothing but joy, excitement, freedom, unity, and charity.
go paine!
another bit of inspiration i recieved lately is this:
i was reading the sermon on the mount the other day, and when i came across the scripture talking about how when the eye is single to the glory of god, the whole body is full of light.
it was one of those instances when you read something, and you know there is something you are supposed to discover, but you just dont get it... so you read it over and over and over, and then it suddenly hits you!
the movement of the eye is so minute and seemingly insignificant... almost to the point where people dont notice its movement. its something only the viewer controls and sees.
the body on the contrary, is very noticeable. you wave your arm, people see it. you kick a ball, people see it.
so on the spiritual sense, when you do some of those little things, people dont see them. when you pray in your closet, people dont see it. when you pray aloud in your synagogues and street corners, people see it. you will have the reward you seek either way. God wants us to become something from the little things. from the inside out. he wants our integrity to make us something that is powerful. when we do the things that people cant see, He creates something that everyone can see.
and this is the main message of the sermon on the mount. BECOME SOMETHING. fear god, not man. when your integrity carries you to the plane in which the glory of god is your focus, and the glory of god only, your whole body will be full of light. when you have began your journey on this path, share it! let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.
i hope some of that made sense. i hope it was as enlightening for you as it was for me. if not, just go read it for yourself, and let the spirit guide!
19 January 2009
a few things...
first off, happy birthday! its been everyones birthday these past few weeks i swear! and a couple in the coming days. so may your day be joyous!
next, we are stuck in the georgia airport... our flight leaving louisville was going late, so we missed our flight to utah... were put on standby for another flight an hour or so later... but didnt get on. so now we are stuck until our flight at nearly two o clock! ah! i just might go crazy. luckily mi padre has wireless internet. perfect.
and i was just thinking... in the past month, i have stepped foot on the following "soils:"
north carolina
and of course, UTAH!
what a crazy 30 days.
well, its been way fun. this trip was incredible. we got to see sooo many people and have so much fun! thanks to everyone in kentucky for being such wonderful people and great friends. you will be always remembered.
and for now... still sitting in the airport.
i will talk to you all soon!
next, we are stuck in the georgia airport... our flight leaving louisville was going late, so we missed our flight to utah... were put on standby for another flight an hour or so later... but didnt get on. so now we are stuck until our flight at nearly two o clock! ah! i just might go crazy. luckily mi padre has wireless internet. perfect.
and i was just thinking... in the past month, i have stepped foot on the following "soils:"
north carolina
and of course, UTAH!
what a crazy 30 days.
well, its been way fun. this trip was incredible. we got to see sooo many people and have so much fun! thanks to everyone in kentucky for being such wonderful people and great friends. you will be always remembered.
and for now... still sitting in the airport.
i will talk to you all soon!
08 January 2009
ah! its a new post!
hello! its a new post!!! and im the same person!!!
yesterday and today have been... filling! or... fulfilling!
i got to go to the temple in the morning! i went with sara hawkes! she is going on a mission to estonia! crazy! we had a nice visit. temples are great!
then went to the ambler residence and played some ROCK BAND. and i will tell you what. our band is on its way up! next stop: platinum!
then i went on a private tour of the conference centers audio visual department. i got to see what no public eye can see. oh lucky me. it was cool to hear about how it was coming about and the stories of pres. hinckley's visions and such. everything is amazing!
today i went to visit some old friends at the old school.
then i went to visit the moosman jr's (minus andy). so like... the cool moosman jr's. JUST KIDDING ANDY!
then i got to go to lunch with an old missionary friend! elder clayton! good times. it was so nice to talk about the mission and about things i understand. life is good.
and now i am here... getting ready to call a distant land entitled, "kentucky."
wish me luck!
05 January 2009
im sooo bored. things are sooo different when you dont have something to fill your time with every minute of every day. and truthfully, i hope i never get used to this.
i cant wait till for the future. like... immediate and long term.
immediate because then i dont have to be bored any more. i get to go back to kentucky to see my new favorite people ever. then i get to come home and get a life. yeah... a life. you know... rock the grown up scene: a job. a wife. schooling. i hope it doesnt cramp my style :) after all, i really dont want to get rid of my Ernie get up, nor my homemade swag. i just wouldnt be the same.
who knows of a job that doesnt have a uniform system?
and how bout that facebook? talk about a double edged sword!!! i have been able to talk to many a people on it from my mission, which has been such a blessing! i love it for that fact. and the evil end of the sword (is there a good side to a sword? who came up with that phrase anyways?!) is this: i waste sooo much time doing pretty much nothing. blasted technology.
somebody save me
today was somewhat eventful, even though the past hour or so hasnt been.
bright and early, i awoke. yipee!
when i went to get ready, i couldnt. our pipes froze and so we had NO water pumping through our pipes. dag yo. thank heavens for neighbors! i was able to go over to the Gublers home and get ready. good times! then jackie, kelton, and i went to wxhs and got my transcript (and visited a few old teachers), went to slcc to see what i needed to do to start life... turns out, i wont start school until next semester. oh well i guess. then we went to the huge institute building and played some pool, basketball, and air hockey. alright!
then i saw nearly the entire gubler family. and played guitar hero for a couple hours. im sure the gublers were sick of me... thus kicking me out of their house so they could eat dinner. man, im such a loser! just kidding.
had dinner with mi familia and have been on the computer ever since. rotting away. blah!
and thats life as an r.m. with no immediate plans.
and now mom is on the other computer listening to nelly. yes, rap music. and yes, it isnt appropriate. you will have to get after her for that! i tried... she didnt listen!
well, its been fun and all, but i am going to go now... now that i have bored you all... all apologies!!!
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