I guess in this case, it is more, "can you hear me," but you get the point. Yet, I have talked with many constituents and they agree with the points I wish to relay to you at this time. These points deal with many of the issues that are facing lawmakers of this 59th Legislature in Utah. They are as follows:
Public & Higher Education. I think that it is safe to say that in order to get very far in our society, you need a degree of some sort. One needs education to find success in the eyes of America. That same education that opens the door to success is under attack on every level. Being a current student in a Utah institution of higher education, I know the struggles that students, faculty, staff, and administration face when there "isn't enough money." I have had to sit on the floor during a lecture. I have been the victim of shortfalls that come from the budget cuts. The proposed cut is 7%, but I urge you to do everything in your power to protect that budget.
Schools for the Deaf. Many of us don't know, and never will know, what it is like to be Deaf in a hearing world. Hearing people not only want to assimilate the Deaf into hearing schools, but encourage them to lipread and speak with their vocal chords. Deaf schools are successful in providing a positive learning experience, surrounded by people who can communicate with one another, and who can share and bask in an amazing culture. Please don't take away these schools.
Anti-Discrimination. Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to basic rights, regardless of race, gender/sex, sexual orientation, etc. SB 148 provides addresses the discrimination that is living in our state. Regardless of personal beliefs and values, everyone should be free from hateful and bigoted acts in the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Immigration. I stand with, and support the ideologies in the Utah Compact, which was signed last November. I feel that the majority of immigrants are here for opportunity, growth, and the American Dream, just like the rest of us. If given the opportunity, they would pay state,federal, and income tax, along with any other requirement that it takes to be a citizen of this great nation. Unfortunately, we are living in a broken system and are in dire need of a reform. I don't see the solution in a law that forces people out of our society. I see it in an empowering society. If anything, OUR NATION needs to take more responsibility. After all, it is us who is providing jobs, housing, and other necessities of life for them. Please support a positive and healthy immigration reform, not a hurtful and fear-monging reform.
Tobacco Prevention and Control. This is my pride and joy. For this, I will fight till the bitter end. So many lives are affected by tobacco, both directly and indirectly. Probably the most affected demographic is the youth. This session, a couple bills will strive to protect Utah's youth from this deadly product.
The first: Protecting Children Riding in Motor Vehicles. Children who are in a vehicle with a smoking adult are being hotboxed with air 10x more toxic than what the EPA deems safe. This isn't about property rights. This isn't about parental rights. This is about health and human rights. Nobody should be forced to breathe in that concentrated air, let alone developing youth and children. Please support the health of Utah's children and vote YES on HB 89.
Second: It is obvious that Big Tobacco is targeting teens and kids. Look at their marketing and advertising of their product. Lately, they have been putting out products that mask the harsh burn of tobacco smoke with flavors like cherry, pineapple, and cotton candy. Susceptible teenagers and kids will fall prey to the deadly tricks of Big Tobacco, and so we need to take a stand to protect them. Vote YES on HB 170
Lastly: The Budget. As odd as it is, the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program is constantly on the chopping block. The odd part is that it should be the only one that is safe every year. In 1998, Utah sued the major tobacco companies, and is now in a settlement by the name of "The Master Settlement Agreement." This settlement gives money to Utah every year for tobacco prevention and cessation efforts, along with the costs that tobacco costs the state. Unfortunately, Utah takes this money and puts it nearly everywhere BUT tobacco prevention. Tobacco prevention saves lives and money in Utah. It is too valuable to go. Please fight for its preservation.
I will end now. Know that I can go on and on, but will refrain for everyone's sake. Consider this a "Readers Digest" version. If you need clarification, statistics, etc., please, PLEASE let me know. I care for our beloved state of Utah and have its best interests in mind.
In closing, I want to say thank you for each and every legislator who has fought for the voice of their constituents. I want to thank you for hearing my concern and, in turn, being my voice up on Capitol Hill.
Fight the good fight.
Best Regards,
Peter Moosman
Peter, Your determination, dedication and drive are enlightening and inspiring.