Recently, I made a facebook comment about killing, Osama Bin Laden, and the significance of his death. It went as follows:
"Again I ask: Why do we kill people that kill people to tell people that killing people is wrong? So, Osama Bin Laden is dead. What does that prove? What did it accomplish?"
The following is an explanation of my original comment and a response to those who posted a reply.
My Explanation:
"Why do we kill people that kill people to tell people that killing people is wrong?"
I am a strong believer that taking the life of another is NEVER the answer - regardless of what acts and atrocities that person may have committed against others. Unless the Almighty Himself informs me to believe otherwise on certain situations, I will stand by that statement. If He said that "the worth of every soul is great in the sight of God," I will believe it - even if the individual is Hitler or Osama Bin Laden. It is not my position to believe otherwise.
I do not ask you to agree with me under any circumstance, nor do I have a simple solution for the blood that is shed on the sacred ground of this planet. I just ask that you respect my belief that taking the life of another is not the answer unless granted permission by God the Father.
"So, Osama Bin Laden is dead. What does that prove? What did it accomplish?"
I decided to ask these questions after reading the countless posts on facebook celebrating the death of this man, as if world terrorism and Al-Qaida ended with his life. Please first understand that I, in no way, shape, or form SUPPORT the acts of Osama Bin Laden. Though I don't think that Osama Bin Laden was a good person (to say the very least), I don't believe that his murder will stop the violence that Al-Qaida is committing - his death wont stop any killing. I don't believe that his murder will end terrorism or bring back the lives that were lost under his command. Thusly, I don't see why celebrating one man's death is proving or accomplishing anything. If it helps people find solace, then may they be blessed with that peace. When violence and terrorism ends, I will celebrate with the rest of the world. Until then, I will not celebrate at the magnification of violence and/or murder because it is from my side of the border.
"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth." - Proverbs 24:17
If I am ridiculed for saying these things, then so be it. I am not looking for mercy - just to be understood. Some who read this will be not of my faith, but I still hope for understanding and respect for my beliefs. Some may say that it is impossible to live with the villain, and the only way to find justice and reconciliation is to kill. If it were impossible, why were we commanded to "love [our] enemies, do good to them which hate [us?]" Why are we commanded to "bless them that curse [us], and pray for them which despitefully use [us]." Even more, we are taught that "unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek" to "offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke, forbid not to take thy coat also." If you don't believe this to be more than a good story and suggestion, I ask you to reevaluate your faith. This is the understanding I am trying to have, and under that premise I ask: What does the murder of Osama Bin Laden prove and accomplish?
Once again, I will say that I am not asking for you to agree with me, but please have the decency and respect to understand me before jumping to conclusions. Thank you.
My Response:
Things heated up pretty quick after my post. Some took it as a personal attack to America or to their dignity as a human being. I, in no way, intended to offend anyone. Rather, I hoped to offer a different perspective than the unified celebration that I read throughout my facebook wall. I will now respond to the comments shared in reply to mine. If your comment is not found below, it was either covered above or included in the response to another comment below.
"Get out of America" / "Lets stop this world so you can get off."
I don't know how my comments suddenly made me Anti-American or even Anti-Earthling, but if that is the understanding, you are sorely mistaken. I am grateful to live where I live, though not always grateful for what happens around me. If people really want me gone, you can do a few things:
1. Send me to hell so I can enjoy the company of my fellow "non-patriots." I am ready to die, and if you don't want me here, take your own words as serious as you make them sound.
2. Buy me a one-way ticket to Africa, a place to stay, and give me enough money that I can survive long enough to get my life in order in a new country.
3. Hire a hitman.
"You should ask Joseph Smith why he shot two people in Carthage before he died, or Captain Moroni why he fought, even unto bloodshed, why they did something so wrong."
Though I feel that this comment is comparing apples to oranges... no, apples to chimpanzees, I will say this: Joseph Smith and Moroni will be judged for the actions they committed just as much as anyone else. God has an understanding of each situation and He will judge accordingly. It is not my job to judge / condemn / justify anything... It is my job to live in a manner in which I feel is right - Which is outlined above in the "My Explanation" portion of this dissertation - and to share my beliefs as appropriate.
"Seriously with the hippie rhetoric? That dude has cost the lives of untold thousands of otherwise peaceful individuals. I celebrate his demise and am grateful for those who kicked his ass. If one man must die to prevent the death of countless others, I say he forfeits it." / This man has killed thousands. Maybe it is the "It's better than one man perish" thought. / etc...
I don't mean to be snide, but please refer to some hippie rhetoric I cherish:,
On a more serious note, may I refer you to some individuals who fit the mold of your definition of "costing the lives of untold thousands of otherwise peaceful individuals" : George Washington, Christopher Columbus, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln. These men are revered by Americans, but took part in the GENOCIDE of entire nations of Natives. So, how is Osama Bin Laden different from George Washington?
"If people sit idle and do nothing to stand for what is right. Then evil wins. The historical records of the world which include the scriptures account of the need to defend the rights of those that can't do it for themselves. For someone that professes human rights for peoples of South Africa and elsewhere on this planet your statement suggest the ability to convince a terrorist is simply to explain to them that what they are doing is wrong. It doesn't work that way. You are quick to challenge the efforts of so many but slow to offer a solution. I'm proud of those that serve for what they believe in and defend this accomplishment. I know that this is just one of many straws that need to be pulled but at this time, this action sends the message that we care about what has happened and what we are willing to do to stand for truth. We don't live in a box."
As the one who raised me in the LDS faith, I hope you will accept my strictly LDS response:
In the Book of Mormon, there was a group of individuals who buried their weapons of war because "they fear[ed] to take them up lest by any means they should sin." These people "had rather sacrifice their lives than even to take the life of their enemy; and they have buried their weapons of war deep in the earth, because of their love towards their brethren." And though they didn't know what would happen to them, they relied on the Lord. They didn't have a solution - along with various other believers, such as Adam ("I know not, save the Lord commanded me."), Abinadi ("I finish my message; and then it amatters not whither I go, if it so be that I am saved."), and Nephi ("I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."), who relied on their faith and the plan of God to take care of the solution.
I believe that there are solutions that don't include violence or killing. If there aren't, I believe that we will be provided for as we do the best we know.
I have respect for military men and women that are willing to risk their lives for those things in which they believe in. It takes a lot to forsake your family, friends, and belongings to put your life on the line like they do - I respect that decision.
"I don't believe these ppl that support murderers, PETER!!! I don't believe you feel this way. Where were you when the TWIN TOWERS came down killing nearly 3000 innocent ppl? Look what YOUR WHITE PPL did to my LAMANITE PPL. You are saying that this ok too?"
I am NOT saying ANY of this is ok. I am shocked and hurt that anyone would assume that I would be supporting or even ok with Osama Bin Laden or the killing of anyone. As for the Natives, please read the reply to the question 2 above this one.
Let me ask this: Do you know who Joseph Kony is? He is a man who has kidnapped tens of thousands of children, raped girls and women, murdered tens of thousands, and displaced millions. His army has probably done just as much, if not more damage than Osama Bin Laden. What have any of you done to stop him? Do you know who Philip Morris or RJ Reynolds is? They kill more people in 3 days than 9/11. The thing is, it happens EVERY THREE DAYS. It doesn't stop. What is anyone doing to stop that genocide? What about the innocent life of animals? Anyone trying to stop that torturous killing? There are countless other problems that we are ALL guilty of being a part of, so before I am criticized for being idle and supporting murderers, I ask you all to look into a mirror and criticize yourself first. What are you doing to "bring justice and reconciliation" to the lives lost and affected here?
I am sorry that people have been hurt or offended by my original comment. I did not intend for it to go this far, but that is the price you pay for having an opinion. I will not delete my post, as I still pose the question, "Why do we kill people who kill people to tell people that killing people is wrong?" I still don't think that killing Osama Bin Laden will change much, other than the unfortunate solace people find in the death of an individual. I will repost this link, for it may have been lost in this lengthy epistle ( I apologize for its length, but I felt that the explanation was much needed. Once again, I apologize, and hope that we can all still be friends with different opinions. Thank you.
p.s. - If there are spelling errors or grammatical errors, I apologize... A lot of writing at a non-conducive hour proves to have errors. And to be quite honest... I don't want to go through and check it. :)
Thank you so much for this blog post you have written. I shared the same views as you and was also persecuted by people for what I said. This gives me a lot of peace knowing that there is another person out there who is willing to stand up for the right.
ReplyDeleteDear Pedro;
ReplyDeleteThis is more for your readers than you, but I hope it finds you well.
Regardless of anyone's personal views towards life, death, murder, or revenge, here's how I see it
The more we talk about Osama Bin Laden, the more power he has over us. Even dead, his name is flooding the popular media channels. Americans are still living their lives based on this man. He claimed to have orchestrated this tragic event that killed thousands and affected millions (if not billions). And it was a tragic event. It shocked a nation. But this man then went into hiding for nearly 10 years. Yet somehow, he controlled the majority of Americans. Simply someone looking like him caused panic. Hearing his name would start discussions full of contention. Let's forget about him. I'm not suggesting we forget about those who died, or forget to honor their memory. What I am suggesting is let's stop living in fear, living for others, living for things. Let's live for us. I'll live for me, You can live for you, and we can help build a society of people who know what they stand for. Living in fear breeds fear. Live for hope and the rest will follow.
I've said my peace.