Conceptual thought can be perceived as a miracle. Have you ever made the attempt to encapsulate a miracle? This is my attempt...

25 January 2011

One Of Those Days... Or Was It Weeks...?

I will post on Tuesday because it is still at a decent time in the week before anything else can happen!

Yup, you heard it right: it is one of those days/weeks.  But before you think anything bad happened, let me tell you that it hasn't been that horrible. I just like to be a little dramatic every once and a while. How can I really complain about anything... I have it so nice! Anyway, let me just delve in!

- Sunday rolls around and I have to teach Sunday School! I know, woe woe woe is me. I actually enjoy teaching, so the week started off great. Granted, I never think I teach well, or that my lesson goes slightly well for that matter, but just whatever. I felt pretty good about this week. We talked about prophets. We played the telephone game. Lots of class participation. I even made and brought a cup-phone! You know... two cups on a string... You speak into one and they hear what you are saying on the other end? Yeah, be jealous.

- Monday happens as most Mondays happen. I had a meeting (Faculty Senate - woot!). Then I had class, where we played some games in sign language, which was fun. Then, I had my Monday night class, Native American Culture. I don't know if I have vented about this class before, but I might take the pleasure to do so now! First off, it is taught by a white couple. With the little experience that these two have in N.A. culture, they feel like they can officially speak for every Native. Ever. Past and present. During class, they enforce every stereotype and ridiculous idea that anyone has about Indians. I sat in the back in misery. I will most likely be speaking with their department head. Just throwin' that out there! But hey, I am blessed to have the opportunity to not only attend college, but also to have the ability to learn new things constantly and voice my opinion. I am blessed to be able to attend college - and such an amazing one as well! Go Bruins! So, like I said, its not so bad!

- Which brings me to today. I was up till about 2 studying for a Biology exam, which I am pretty sure I bombed this morning. On my way to school, I slid into a curb and messed up my car pretty bad, making me late for my exam. Analysis of the damage: My steering wheel is nearly sideways when I drive straight. My tire is tilted inward. My axle or wheel arm is bent. Woot! At least I have a car to complain about. I am fortunate to have transportation to where I need and want to go! Go transportation and education! Well, I will be out of my own transportation while it is fixed, but that is besides the point.

See! So when I say that I am having a bad day, don't bother believing me... I have it made. An amazing college, an amazing job, an amazing car, amazing parents, an amazing family, amazing friends, amazing opportunities, amazing toys, etc.

Oh, PS, the legislative session started yesterday. I feel out of the loop. I don't know anything about my bills and the when/what/where/who/why. I hate that. But I am lucky to live in a country where I have an opportunity to have a say in what happens! I have a voice! And so do you! Go us!

I don't know if you know this or not, but I - along with the help of some great friends - started an organization called Project:1200 to take a stand against Big Tobacco and for Public Health. We do a lot of stuff during the legislative session, so you should join! Right now, "joining" consists of "liking" us on facebook. Do that HERE and HERE. Check out our blog HERE. Follow us on twitter HERE.

That will be it for now. Thanks for reading! I hope things are well for you, dear reader, and that my downer stories aren't scaring you away! Please come again and tell your friends!


  1. This post makes me want to delete my fb status, and my blog post and never complain again!
    Way to look on the bright side. Go YOU! I guess that's all you can do on days/weeks like this! Its a great thing that you recognize that.
    And just to add to our list of similarities, this blog post is eerily similar to mine today and you probably haven't even seen mine yet. Weird.
    I'm sorry you have been having crappy-ish things happen. If you need a study buddy, or a chauffeur You know my number. I mean those duties are the epitome of what PGF's are for. FOR REALS. For reals.

  2. Hey Peter, I think you should take Ashlee's advice! If you need some enjoyment/ entertainment you can come hang out with me and the Boys on Friday night. Ashlee, you can come too. We can play carsor legos or something.
