Conceptual thought can be perceived as a miracle. Have you ever made the attempt to encapsulate a miracle? This is my attempt...

16 January 2011

A Red Medicine Wheel is Afoot, Among Other Things.

Some of you will read this post as a nice view of various symbols. Others may see a deeper meaning on the choice of symbols presented. Either way, I hope we all grow a little more by the end. 

Each symbol explained has a special significance to me. I hope this is an effective way to present the information, and I hope that understanding will be achieved through my efforts.

[Words italicized are personal commentaries]

The Medicine Wheel

"The world and its peoples are but a huge wagon wheel, an eternal circle traversed by several spokes. The spokes represent various peoples and [cultures] of the world, each unique unto itself, yet none more important than another. None can be lengthened, none can be shortened, and none can be removed, because each spoke is necessary for the wheel to turn. Each people and each [culture] are necessary for the whole.
"Yet all spokes are united at the wheel's hub by the pervasive Maker, who is shared and touched by all. Though perhaps conceived of differently by each spoke, the Maker nevertheless remains fundamental to the wheel's support and movement."

"In conformity with the wagon wheel symbolism, the spokes of the wheel should remain distinct. The Apsaalooke [Crow] envision themselves as unique from the Cheyenne, just as the Cheyenne are unique from non-indians. Each people has been given its own gifts... Each individual is recognized for his or her unique attributes, for the gifts that are his or hers alone. These distinctions should be maintained, for the strength of the entire wheel depends on the integrity of each of its parts."

- Imagine a world where people were encouraged to be themselves. To cherish who they are and what they have to offer this world; to respect others and their talents, abilities, and attributes. Each person has a sacred story to tell. When we disregard our own stories, or the stories of others, the integrity of the wheel [or community/society/nation/world] is weakened. Take a moment to recognize your gifts, unique attributes and character, your history. Write them down. Cherish them. Share them.
The Maker is just that: a maker. We were made to be unique, not to fit into a common mold. Break the mold and let your light shine.

"A choice is made. A consequence awaits. As a "Hub" each individual acts upon the world, choosing a course of action, and creating a path. The very words one chooses help to bring the path about. Medicine can be directed to cure or "to take the arm." A name can nurture or cripple. As a story is being told, a listener can become part of Burnt Face's adventure, or elect not to listen. A choice is made. A consequence awaits."

- We choose our fate. We choose our path. Imagine the power that lies in those truths. We have been given the opportunity to choose - timshel. What we choose will have an eternal impact on the world, and it is up to us whether it will be a positive impact or a negative one.

- The Medicine Wheel is essentially a call for balance. Balance in all things:
     - Emotional, Spiritual, Mental, Physical
     - Body, Spirit, Earth, Animals
     - Education, Work, Personal, Spiritual
- Balance does not mean equal time given to each aspect, but is, instead, a healthy connection to each. 

The Circle

"The Oglala believe the circle to be sacred because the Great Spirit caused everything in nature to be round except stone. Stone is the implement of destruction. The sun and the sky, the earth and the moon are round like a shield, though the sky is deep like a bowl. Everything that breathes is round like the body of a man. Everything that grows from the ground is round like the stem of a tree. Since the Great Spirit has caused everything to be round, mankind should look upon the circle as sacred for it is the symbol of all things in nature except stone... It is also the symbol of a year. The day, the night, and the moon go in a circle above the sky. Therefore the circle is a symbol of the divisions of time and hence the symbol of all time."

- The circle is a great symbol. The symbol of eternity and time. A reminder to use your time wisely and carefully. It is a symbol of life. To cherish it and to make the most of it. To not take life when unnecessary, and to serve life when able.
- The circle has no edges, and is thus symbolic of a perfected life: the ultimate goal. To become well rounded in all things, to be unified, to smooth all rough edges, and to become what God wants us to become.
- Essentially, the symbolism of the circle is too far-reaching to be explained here.

The Color Red

- Red is symbolic of many things:
     - Courage / Strength
     - Sacrifice
          - Remember the principle and doctrine of the Great Sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. He made it possible for us to find eternal happiness and salvation. His sacrifice was a vital example for us to live by, teaching us the importance of love, peace, and charity. A reminder for me to sacrifice wants and desires for a greater good.
     - Emotion
          - It is ok to display emotion. Real men care.
     - Power
     - Passion
     - Fire
          -  The concept of fire is important to me. The smallest of flames has the potential to cause a great change - consuming entire forests - and, if left alone, could consume continents. I don't share this to portray the destructive quality of fire, but rather to show that with the light (or "flame") within us, we have the potential to change the world. As small and insignificant we seem to be, we can actually have a major impact on the course of history. 
          - "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5: 14-16
     - Life / Health
     - Blood
          - Let the truths, beliefs, and values that I hold flow through my veins just as the very blood within me. As I do so, they will act as a life-source, giving me strength and power.

The Foot

- The foot was symbolic for me in the concept of a pathway, a way of life. Just as the truths and values should flow through my veins, I should strive to daily walk in that path: the path of those things mentioned above. I should STAND my ground in defense of those things as well. STAND tall for those things I believe, for balance, courage, change, etc.

The Color White

- The most obvious symbolism of this color is that of purity and cleanliness. A constant need for rebirth and renewal. A reminder that the past can be forgotten and forgiven.
- Other symbolic attributes that pertain to this post are as follows:
     - Peace
     - Life
          - Through Christ, all shall live again. Also, a symbol and reminder to always value life, and to live life to the fullest.
          - Live and let live. Nobody has the same understanding/attitude/ideology toward certain things. Just as you would wish that others respect your opinions, respect theirs.
     - Healing
          - Not only physical healing, but emotional and spiritual healing as well. 
- All of these meanings are intertwined to sum up a concept.

The Wrist

- The wrist is one of the most common places to test one's pulse. With that said, it can represent life. [See "Life" under "The Color White"]


- For significance, click HERE.

Alas, I will close. I hope this was a beneficial read for you. If you have any questions, please let me know. I apologize for the series of lengthy posts...

With this, I close mine epistle on symbols.


  1. you have made me think which earns my respect i think im going to start an art project combining all of your symbols, if that is ok with you? so that every day i can look at it and hopefully grow and remember!

  2. You are just inspiring people left and right with this blog of yours! You're pretty much awesome.

    I am certain that someday, people will be quoting Peter Moosman, just as we quote inspiring people from history today.

    I LOVED this:
    "Let the truths, beliefs, and values that I hold flow through my veins just as the very blood within me. As I do so, they will act as a life-source, giving me strength and power."

  3. T.P. loves this
    - Fire
    - The concept of fire is important to me. The smallest of flames has the potential to cause a great change - consuming entire forests - and, if left alone, could consume continents. I don't share this to portray the destructive quality of fire, but rather to show that with the light (or "flame") within us, we have the potential to change the world. As small and insignificant we seem to be, we can actually have a major impact on the course of history.
    - "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5: 14-16
    I really love this, Thank you, you are damazing!
