When the world sleeps, I sit at my computer with the urge to write. I want to share all, but I am constantly left with an empty window, a blank canvas. Topics overflow in my head throughout my days, but when I want to let them out, they disappear. Some of the topics that arise in my overused mind are those same topics that I cannot create the words to describe how I feel, or even those that are not for the public eye. What is a self-proclaimed writer to do?!
Plenty to listen, none to hear.
Plenty to prescribe, none to heal.
If a flare shot through the night sky
it wouldn't be seen, but with a blind eye.
After the post of my first official memoir, "What's in a Name," I was asked by a few people to explain the name of my blog. The words "memoir" and "rogue" have many definitions, many of which are antagonists to my cause. For the sake of digging myself out of a hole that I have gotten myself in, I will take it upon myself to point out the true definitions I was going for. After all, I did think long and hard of a good name for the blog and my writings.
From the New Oxford American Dictionary:
- memoir |ˈmemˌwär; -ˌwôr|
- noun
- A historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources
- An autobiography or a written account of one's memory of certain events or people.
- An essay on a learned subject
- The proceedings or transactions of a learned society
- rogue |rōg|
- noun
- A dishonest or unprincipled man
- a person whose behavior one disapproves of but who is nonetheless likable or attractive
- An elephant or other large wild animal driven away or living apart from the herd and having savage or destructive tendencies
- a person or thing that behaves in an aberrant, faulty, or unpredictable way
- an inferior or defective specimen among many satisfactory ones, esp. a seedling or plant deviating from the standard variety
The bolded parts of the definitions are the purpose for my choosing each word - despite the fact that some would call me a large wild animal and/or dishonest and unprincipled.
Maybe I should have thought a little longer and harder?
I may or may not have just covered one of my bedroom walls with a quote right now IF I had paint. Just throw it on the wall. Like, "BAM! There's a quote on my wall!" What quote, you ask?
A quote by a gentleman by the name of Mr. Winston Churchill. It goes a little somethin' somethin' like this:
"Never give in. Never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
Thanks for tempting me, Sir Winston. Good day.
You were wrong, this didn't put me to sleep. Your posts never will.
ReplyDeleteI realize you didn't ask for my opinion (and more than likely don't care),but here it is: i think the name of your blog is perfect.
Me, too. And I love that WC quote - always have!